Psychosomatic diseases
Emotions can aggravate existing pain or be at the origin of certain pains, this is what we call somatisation, psychosomatic diseases. An emotion that is too strong, repressed, will be expressed by the body.
Messages from the body
Do you know the expression “to have a backache”? Ok, so we can imagine very clearly the symbol of this pain. People suffering from back pain have a heavy psychological burden to carry on a daily basis: weight of responsibilities, accumulation of workload…
Relaxation exercises will help to relax the back muscles.
Headaches are often directly linked to stress. They can be tension headaches. Tension headaches are pain in the neck, temples or forehead. They cover a large part of the head (helmet effect).
Rest, being in a dark room, good hydration help the effects. Working on stress management by using simple methods in your daily life helps to reduce and prevent the pain from returning.
Stomach ache
The stomach, called the “second brain” since the discovery of 200 million neurons in the digestive system, is the epicentre of the psyche.
Pain occurs when we are unable to “digest” an event. This event then becomes a trauma and creates a nest of chronic stomachaches.
Health examinations can show whether there is anything wrong and holistic therapy can remove the emotion attached to an unpleasant event and thus free oneself from this burden.
Pain in the muscles
Muscles are about flexibility and suppleness. Muscle pain is usually a sign that too much and too sudden an effort has been made. But it can also be caused by chronic illness or suppressed emotions if there is no exercise.
In order to alleviate muscular pains of a psychological nature, it is advisable to develop a sense of letting go, to accept that you cannot control everything and to be accompanied by a professional, especially a holistic one, in order to free yourself from these pains and to pay attention to the messages of the body.
Toothache or gum pain is a psychological sign of an inability to make important decisions in one’s life and, above all, to express them. The oral area is the area of speech par excellence.
Difficulty in communicating can cause toothache (“inside”), which refers to the interiority of the body since the words could not, or could not be expressed.
Working on self-esteem and self-confidence are very good ways to free oneself from these pains.
Pain in the hands
The hands are linked to the relational sphere in the psychosomatic register.
Pain in the hands (tension, pain, rigidity) shows the difficulty of being in the world, the inability to give, take or receive because the will to control and master is stronger.
Constantly clenched fists, which give rise to early arthritis, indicate this state of withdrawal without any desire for external communication.
Self-esteem needs to be strengthened in the long term, and making well-being a part of everyday life would help to reconnect the mind and body and let go of these unpleasant effects.
Neck pain
The neck is the link between the head and the body, between the world of ideas and the world of action.
Neck pain can indicate an inability to get ideas out and into action. Neck tensions and blockages, such as torticollis, express the conflict between reality and deep desires that cannot coexist, hence the feeling of being prevented, starting with the mobility of one’s neck.
Holistic therapy can address these pains and alleviate them in the long term.
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain can mean that something or someone is too heavy to bear.
An invisible emotional burden weighs on the shoulders every day.
In this case, it is necessary to try to lighten one’s life by refocusing on the things that are essential for one’s well-being. If you are a carer, you should get help yourself in order to “unburden” yourself.
Hip pain (or both)
Having pain in one or both hips means an inability to move forward and a great resistance to change. Fear of losing one’s bearings, fear of making important decisions, etc., pain in the hip prevents movement and latitude of movement.
It is advisable in this case to list one’s fears and to refocus on one’s desires without it being frightening. Holistic therapy can address these pains and alleviate them in the long term.
Knee pain
The knee is a very mobile joint that moves back and forth, back and forth, left and right, right and left. Having a sore knee (provided the pain is not traumatic) restricts freedom of movement and indicates a certain lack of flexibility, like a reed that bends but does not break.
Letting go and accepting the way things are without resistance reduces pain.

The answers to her ailments
If the meanings speak to you, you are well on your way to releasing it. Sometimes accepting the message releases the ailment and sometimes it requires new habits to be put in place to free yourself from it and keep it from coming back. Holistic medicine accompanies at every stage of life is.
Christelle Marchetti Veclin