You feel at a crossroads in your life where
Aches, fears block life's path
You can no longer move forward with serenity and pleasure
Emotions go out of control
Anxiety and stress are high, irritability more frequent
An approaching event makes you anxious
Pregnancy, maternity, life changes, medical treatment
Stress for competitions, exams
Uncontrollable stalking, loss of control, high anxiety, slow recovery, fatigue
Your child has emotional challenges
You need help to overcome them
Doubts prevent you from enjoying your daily life
You don't trust yourself
So a one-to-one coaching session at my office or online can help you regain your confidence and peace of mind!
Holistic support
Complementary insurance may cover-
Evolve at your own pace
Continue to practice at home
Work on your ailments and challenges
Adapt the sessions to your current needs
Regain control of your emotions, your body and your mind
Long-term effects
The sessions can provide many answers…
A release, a second wind
You reduce aches and pains, free yourself from your fears and your past, and direct your thoughts towards the positive.
Better stress management
In your daily life and in a more peaceful way
Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
You trust your intuition, your strengths and your ability to succeed.
Necessary changes in habits
You adapt better to your environment, naturally incorporating positive thinking and freeing yourself from the negative.
Preparing for a stress-free pregnancy
Develop positive thinking and well-being, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for life changes and better manage pregnancy aches and pains.
Valuable tools for optimum mental preparation
Better concentration, stress and defeat management, recovery after effort, more energy and optimism in sports and the arts.
Holistic, playful keys to soothing your child
Help your child concentrate, facilitate learning (reading, writing, motor skills), improve relationships with others, reduce excess anger/frustration…
You refocus on breathing, body sensations, positive thoughts and encourage a better circulation of your energy so that you are not overwhelmed by fear or doubts and so that you can develop your well-being, your strengths and your abilities that you no longer know or do not know!
The first session: the power of holistic support
The first session is so important! It’s essential to the coaching process, because it allows us to :
- discover who you are as a person, as well as your ailments, your history, your passions, your successes and your challenges
- get to know your constraints: practice times,
- explain my practices and answer any questions you may have
- Offer you a customized support program
This discovery phase, this exchange, so rich for you AND for me, I offer it to all my customers free of charge.
Building trust between US is an important part of the job.
We’ll offer you holistic support tailored to YOU.
This accompaniment will include several holistic practices that will act positively on your challenges, in your daily life, at the crossroads of your life! where change is necessary:
In the personalized program, techniques and practices are offered to help you overcome your change of direction with greater serenity.
Everyone evolves at their own pace, and that's okay.
You actively participate in your well-being to better understand yourself and reproduce the exercises in your daily life.
The more you practice, the more the effects are felt and the changes are in you.
I offer my clients my expertise in the field of well-being, working with the body, mind, emotions and energies.
There are no magic wands. You have the keys. Each of these keys allows you to move towards what you want. Enjoy the steps
Is a major part of the process. The closer you get to your feelings and sensations, the better you'll behave and the more you'll trust yourself.

If you’d like to know why you’re feeling blocked, and why any help you receive only works for a short time…
Many people feel this way. It’s not unique. And it doesn’t mean:
- that you’re not designed to be confident
- that you’re unlucky
- that well-being is never for you
- that you were born this way and it will never change
- that you are limited.
Our limits are in our minds, our fears, our history, our bodies. But everything can be circumvented, transformed and evolved within us. All we have to do is move forward, taking into account that you are a naturally balanced set of 3 poles.
In the vision of holistic medicine, you are a naturally balanced whole!
If one of your 3 poles is suffering, your other poles will expend more energy to compensate for the suffering pole. To take long-term action, it’s important to rebalance your whole by strengthening each part, not just one. To achieve this is here
Everything you acquire will stay with you as long as you make it your own and use it in your daily life!
Further information
The more you practice, the greater the effects. A 10-minute workout can help you improve your stress levels, confidence, sleep and mental preparation.
Sessions can be held in my office or remotely. The work will be the same and just as intense.
I’m a member of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives (FMA), which enables my clients to be reimbursed by complementary health insurers as naturotherapists. I provide a receipt for each appointment.
- For adults
- Sessions cost $115 including taxes
- Length of consultation: 1 hour
- For children under 12
- Sessions cost $85 Taxes included
- Length of consultation: 30 to 45 minutes
- Interac
- Debit or credit card
- Cash
- e-payment (en avance)

What people think...
I switched from tears to a smile at the end of the session
It worked very quickly
I'm pain-free for the time being
Being more attentive to my body