

I am learning how to relax

with dynamic relaxation and self-hypnosis !

A hybrid group program
| 5 weeks

every Friday at 12.30pm from May 24

Relax, perform and stay healthy with self-hypnosis and dynamic relaxation

French version on Thursday at 6pm (more details)

to participate in upcoming programs or workshops…

Join the holistic community!

Busy day-to-day?
Too many emergencies to deal with?
Can’t settle down?
Too often exhausted and stressed?
Can’t find the right rhythm to take care of yourself?

Become active with confidence in your well-being and performance

Experience!   Enjoy!   Discover!   Transform your everyday life!

I propose that you spend 5 weeks together every Thursday from May 23 in the same group. 5 sessions to discover :

  • Why 5 weeks?

To give yourself time to practice, self-hypnotize and make it part of your routine.

  • How can you learn to relax?

By doing it in a trusted group and at home!


I am learning how to relax
$ 150 no taxews to pay, the price includes
  • 5 sessions
  • 1 hour of practice in the same group
  • Hybrid mode
  • In Moncton or virtually
  • An exercise you can reproduce in less than 10 minutes at home
  • Digital media at your disposal
  • Exchanges, sharing and evolution

There’s a before and after to practicing!

Sophrology, is a holistic body-psychology practice that helps you refocus and create the energy to relax and let go in an often hectic environment. It helps to develop abilities, performance, recovery, motivation and confidence, even if the source of these feelings is unknown. It can be adapted and applied to everyday life! It is rich in techniques and uses many disciplines, including dynamic relaxation, Zen, yoga, self-hypnosis (…)

Knowing how to relax, whatever the method you choose, means improving the quality of your rest and recovery, developing your performance in action and preserving your health.

Every Friday at 12:30 p.m. starting May 24, come and practice, take time to recharge your batteries
in hybrid format (face-to-face in Moncton or online). French version on Thursday at 6pm (more details)  

Experience!   Enjoy!   Discover!   Transform your everyday life!

Hybrid mode

Attend the first session on Friday, May 24
-in person or virtual-

If you don’t like to remain static, dynamic relaxation, i.e. movement and self-hypnosis, helps you to calm down and improve your performance in ACTION.

Whether you’re lying down, sitting or standing, learn how to quickly calm your body and mind.




Transform your daily life!

The success of this program depends on you and your willingness to practice a few minutes each day!

You’ll be introduced to :

detente debout autohypnose, relaxation dynamique, standing relaxation self-hypnosis, dynamic relaxation
How can you feel these positive effects? By practicing for just a few minutes!

SOPHRO ACTION | I am learning how to relax

What are the advantages of this SOPHRO ACTION

Every Friday at 12:30 p.m. starting May 24, come and practice, take time to recharge your batteries
in hybrid format (face-to-face in Moncton or online) . French version on Thursday at 6pm
(more details)

Experience!   Enjoy!   Discover!   Transform your everyday life!

Hybrid mode

Attend the first session on Friday, May 24
-in person or virtual-

Who I am?

I accompany people at the crossroads of their lives!

I’m a woman and mother of 3 children who, as my life has unfolded, has overcome many difficulties encountered during my childhood, my expatriations and my family life! Because life is not a long, quiet river, it has pushed me to surpass myself and evolve towards a completely different path that I never thought possible: that of WELL-BEING!

That’s why, for several years now, I’ve been delighted to accompany women at the crossroads of their lives.

A crossroads that will enable them to overcome blockages, fears of the past or the future, and gain self-confidence and self-esteem.

It’s important that the present should no longer be suffered or dreaded, but that it should be enjoyed at every moment, enabling us to prepare for the future with greater peace of mind.

The practices I use, including sophrology, and which I teach to people, enable them to regain control of THEMSELVES!

Sophrology is a personal development technique that can be offered to people as a genuine wellness accompaniment to improve their skills, abilities, positive thinking and well-being.

SOPHRO ACTION | I am learning how to relax

What's included in the 5-week program?

Unable to attend a session? A recording will be made available to you for several days.

Every Friday at 12:30 p.m. starting May 24, come and practice, take time to recharge your batteries
in hybrid format (face-to-face in Moncton or online) . French version on Thursday at 6pm
(more details)

Experience!   Enjoy!   Discover!   Transform your everyday life!

Hybrid mode

Attend the first session on Thursday, May 23
-in person or virtual-

The program starts on Friday May 24 in hybrid mode: face-to-face or online.
I want to take part in the program !